Our Terms of use

  1. Introduction
Our website’s Privacy Policy contains useful information related to the personal data we collect and process and our Cookie policy. We may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website.
  1. How we protect your Personal data
We are committed to safeguarding your privacy. We use a variety of technical and organizational measures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration or destruction consistent with applicable data protection laws. Any personal data processing on our website is based on your consent. We will not disclose your personal data to third parties without your consent.
  1. The personal data we collect
We may collect personal information from when you contact us via our website, for the purposes of contacting you and responding to your requests/queries, providing legal services to potential clients, and for recruitment purposes. The personal data that we process may include:
  • Personal information, [e.g., name, company, title/position, CVs]
  • Contact information [e.g., postal address, email address, telephone number, social media account] and communication content
  • Any other information you may provide us
  1. Retention of personal data
We will only retain your personal data for the period of time needed to fulfil your requests/queries, or take any actions related to your communication.
  1. Your rights
Articles 13-22 of the GDPR include your rights related to the processing of your personal data. You may exercise these rights by contacting us at [email protected].
  1. Cookie Policy
We use cookies to improve our website and user experience. Cookies distinguish you from other users and collect information visitors’ behavior patterns in order to obtain statistics on the number of visits and popular pages of our website. You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser. We also use Google Analytics, gathering information about the use of our website.